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Gold Standard Deadlines Looming

31 October 2024

Marsoft’s GreenScreen program has been in the headlines recently – highlighted at ASBA 2024 in a feature, "A Cabana full of Carbon Credits" – Jan Fraser Jenkins reached out to Arlie Sterling to get the latest news. This interview has been condensed for clarity.

Arlie, we saw some pretty exciting news in the recent TW article. Any updates you can share with us since that report? 

GreenScreen enrollment continues to grow fast. In the last few weeks we’ve added 50 more ships to the fleet.  GreenScreen owners are investing in efficiency improvements that will yield nearly 2 million tonnes in reduced CO2 emissions and will earn more than $11 million from GreenScreen carbon credit issuance to help finance those investments.

Why are you seeing the surge in enrollment now? 

Well, as you know we’ve been at this for awhile now.  We are seeing a critical mass of owners committing to the program – that makes a big difference. And owners who enrolled last year have begun planning for next year’s retrofits and want to build GreenScreen into their plans. The Gold Standard deadlines are also playing an important role.

Who is the Gold Standard and what do their deadlines have to do with GreenScreen enrollment? 

The Gold Standard is the carbon registry that reviews the progress made in terms of CO2 emissions reduction and issues the carbon credits. Once Gold Standard issues the credits they will be bought by corporations, governments, and NGOs who want to reflect the emissions reduction in their stakeholder reports.

And the deadlines? 

The Gold Standard sets a rigorous deadline for accepting projects; we have to work within that deadline to maximize the cash and minimize the delays for our clients. That means that to be eligible for GreenScreen carbon credits:

·        Ships with retrofits completed in H2 2022 must be enrolled by December 10, and

·        Ships with retrofits completed in H1 2023 must be enrolled by 10 January 2025.

We want to be sure that nobody misses out on the opportunity to cash in while doing good!

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